3 Types of Corporate Training Videos You Should be Using

Training sets the stage for a long and productive career, develops new skills, and is key to employees’ safety and growth within your organization. Using training videos as part of your onboarding process, or continuing education with employees is a great way to insure you messaging is memorable and impactful.

Here are 3 different types of training videos that are highly effective:

1. The Recruiter

A recruitment video highlights who you are, what you do, and how you are different during recruitment or orientation. Recruitment videos are a great way to start new employees careers out on the best possible footing by telling genuine, unique stories that connect them with your company and create true loyalty. They also give potential employees a reason to connect with your company and add their skills to your own. These captivating videos give your business, and the personalities who make it, a time to shine.

Below you can see a recruitment video done for OPA which highlights the many benefits of becoming an OPA franchisee.

The Recruiter

2. The Explainer

Just as the name says, explainer videos are created to explain a process or procedure.

Help your employees (or customers/stakeholders) understand a process, product, service, or even simple and complex concepts/work procedures.  Animation is common for explainer videos, but live action video can also be very impactful. Explainer videos are becoming more and more popular for all types of businesses because they are so engaging and effective.

This is an example of an animated explainer video using claymation which was created for The City of Calgary Resilience Campaign.

The Explainer

3. The Trainer

Use video to train employees with a blend of impactful stories that tell the “why” and objective driven imagery/messaging that explains the “what”. Video assets change your training focus from the instructor to the learner.  Training videos also allow total control and consistency in the messaging being shared. Rather than relying on instructors to consistently deliver, you can rest assured that the video will.  

Here is an example of a training video for Enmax which raises awareness of electrical safety basics when working around overhead and underground power lines.

The Trainer

Corporate training videos are an invaluable asset to your training process. They are designed to increase information retention, offer a significantly cheaper and more uniform instruction method than classroom-based learning. Today, with remote work becoming the norm, video-based training is more important than ever.

For more information about training videos, and to find out how you can drive recruitment and increase retention, email us at info@vinc.ca.

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